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青春版《牡丹亭》蘇州崑劇團演出本 (中英對照) The Peony Pavilion: The Young Lovers Edition As performed by the Suzhou Kun Opera Troupe(Chinese text with English translation)

定價: HK46.80
原價: US 6.04
出版社: 迪志文化出版有限公司
出版日期: 2008/11/5
頁數: 538 頁
版本:PDF 電子書 (PDF eBook) *請先下載最新版本 Acrobat Reader 6.0
檔案大小:80,463 KB
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《牡丹亭》是中國才子佳人戲曲裡最傑出的作品,和同時代的沙士比亞的《羅密歐與珠麗葉》相媲美。因英籍中國文學大師白之(Cyril Birch)教授曾把它翻譯成英文,歐美洲文學界之士對這個劇本已有所認識。白教授的英譯本是五十五齣的全本《牡丹亭》(1980 印地安那大學出版社發行),從各種角度來說,這是可能是最確切的典範翻譯本。可惜的是字句比較長,不適合劇場電子字幕的篇幅,因此筆者不得不重新再作。「青春版」翻譯本限於演出本的二十七齣,即經過白先勇、華瑋、張淑香、辛意雲四位文學家精篩細選的版本。翻譯文中的字句比較簡短、直接、通俗,企圖讓觀眾把注意力集中於舞台表演。現把漢文和英譯並列,以便讀者自己審核。

- 牡丹亦白
- (女宅)紫嫣紅開遍
- 曲高和眾
- 驚夢尋夢圓夢

The Peony Pavilion is one of the great works of Chinese romantic drama, comparable to, and contemporary with, Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. As a work of literature, it has achieved a degree of recognition in the Western world through the translation of Cyril Birch (1980). Birch's translation of the entire play, all 55 scenes, remains a classic in English translation literature in terms of accuracy, sophistication, authoritativeness, and faithfulness to the nuance of the original poetry. Regrettably, the lines are often too long to fit into the limited space of projected surtitles, in most performance venues. This translation of the newly abridged ""Young Lovers' Edition"", or version, is better suited to present day theatre technology. Consequently, the lines are shorter, the language simpler, more concise, and accessible, allowing the audience to concentrate more on the stage. Here, the Chinese text is presented alongside the translation allowing readers who know Chinese to judge for themselves, the appropriateness of the rendition.

Reference Books
- 牡丹亦白
- (女宅)紫嫣紅開遍
- 曲高和眾
- 驚夢尋夢圓夢



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