> 產品資料 > 精通專題研習

Which building can best represent Hong Kong?
作者/編者: St. Paul's Convent School

定價: HK0.00
原價: US 0.00
出版社: St. Paul's Convent School
系列: 精通專題研習
出版日期: 2003/9/25
頁數: 68 頁
版本:PDF 電子書 (PDF eBook) *請先下載最新版本 Acrobat Reader 6.0
檔案大小:1,834 KB
下載時間: 大約 0.2 分鐘 (1.5Mb寬頻) / 大約 4.4 分鐘 (56K數據機)


Hong Kong is an international financial centre, as well as an attractive tourist spot. There are a lot of buildings in Hong Kong. When we look at Hong Kong from different aspects, we will find that, among the buildings, there must be one building which can best represent Hong Kong. Have you ever thought of any buildings which match the image of Hong Kong?

In the project, group members will introduce six buildings which, according to their survey conducted with 30 interviewees, have the best potential to compete for the position of "The Building which can Best Represent Hong Kong". And they believe the champion must be unique, and it must be able to represent Hong Kong in various aspects, e.g. the economic aspect, financial aspect, international aspect, etc.

學校名稱:St. Paul''s Convent School

負責老師:Miss J. Au Yeung

參賽組員:Elaine Chow, Sarah Chung, Michelle Wong, Theodora Cheung, Maggie Lee and Karine Lee



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